Healthy Restaurants in New York City
With the growing incidence of obesity, healthy restaurant concepts have been gaining popularity. These restaurants offer organic vegan fare and locally sourced meats and produce. The benefits of such concepts are clear, but they also come with some risks. Healthy restaurants may not be right for every location or market. However, if you’re willing to take some risks, you can open a healthy restaurant.
Dig Inn
Located in Rittenhouse, the Dig Inn is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to eat healthy and feel good about it. It offers a wide selection of healthy options from its locally sourced ingredients to its environmentally friendly farming practices. It is also open Monday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Le Pain Quotidien
If you’re looking for a place to grab lunch, Le Pain Quotidien is worth a try. The restaurant is a boulangerie-style bakery-restaurant chain founded in Belgium. It …
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