The World's Top Social Entrepreneur Organizations

The World’s Top Social Entrepreneur Organizations

Social complaints are hounding the globe. Issues on poverty, health, education along with the environment, among many others, remain unsolved by governments, traditional capitalism, and charities. The failed efforts have given rise to social entrepreneurship, which utilizes business techniques to address social issues. The system concentrates on bringing social good, impacting societies, or even reshaping the ways of coping with age-old problems besetting economies and communities.

Much as business and software strategies typically try to pull in a profit, social entrepreneurship targets to “disrupt” the status quo by introducing innovative approaches and applying answers to social conditions that produce measurable, wide-scale end-results. Social entrepreneur organizations essentially push for innovative practices and overcome traditional ones to produce necessary change. Driven by entrepreneurial zeal, social entrepreneurs aim at building sustainable groups which might be created either as companies or nonprofits.

Comparable to methodologies implemented to bring about effective international business marketing in …

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Top 5 Ways to Avoid Burnout This Season and Year

Top 5 Ways to Avoid Burnout This Season and Year

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Since you are here to learn the 5 ways to avoid burnout this season and year, I will cut to the chase. Here are time tested and proven methods of keeping your personal batteries perpetually charged and robust.

1. Clear out the drudgery from your life: This may be boxes filled with painful memories, excess items (even e-mails), or your social masks – what you may be attaching yourself to that may also be draining you of your personal vitality. What will be the result? Your shining essence will emerge, and people (even business prospects) will become naturally attracted to you without you necessarily needing to take the initial step.

2. Be healthy: Ensure that you are on track in terms of visiting your traditional and alternative health care providers (i.e. family physician, dentist, massage therapist, chiropractor, dietitian, etc.). Ask yourself, “How well am I taking care of …

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Understanding the changes to corporate interest tax relief

Corporate interest tax relief explained

Understanding the changes to corporate interest tax relief

Until recently, interest on debt has largely been deductible for corporation tax purposes. In April 2017, however, that all changed. Under new – and rather complex – rules, the deductibility of interest and the costs associated with raising finance became restricted. Here, we provide a brief summary of the changes.


In brief, the Corporate Interest Restriction (CIR) means that relief for a UK corporation group’s net interest expense is limited to 30% of its taxable earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation. Every UK group now benefits from a minimum interest allowance of £2 million; those whose interest expense is less than £2 million will therefore remain unaffected by the new legislation.

What is the purpose of the changes?

The government has stated that the changes have been made to align tax deductions on interest expenses with the economic activities undertaken in the …

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