“Healthy Employees, Healthy Business: Easy, Affordable Ways to Promote Workplace Wellness” by Ilona Bray and a team of experts is a good book that may go unnoticed by many businesses. In these difficult economic times for many, starting a wellness program may not be on the forefront of many corporate and business leader’s thoughts. However, as pointed out in the first chapter, “Why You Need a Healthy Workplace,” the incorporation of wellness programs and the encouragement and assistance with keeping employees healthy can significantly increase the bottom line. The statistics in the book claim that most companies have a positive return on the investment of instituting wellness programs. The book claims that only a small minority of companies fail to break even and that’s often because their initial investment of time and money was too low.
The book then goes on with chapters on strategies for a successful wellness program; worksite evaluations and program launches; prevention and early detection to help employees stay well; very basics on healthy eating, nutrition, fitness and exercise; suggestions for lowering stress levels, working without tobacco, helping an addicted worker, reducing obesity, dealing with chronic illnesses, choosing health benefits, and finally drafting workplace policies that promote health.
The book also contains a CD-ROM that includes forms such as Wellness Plan Worksheet, Wellness Program Interest Survey, Treatment Center Evaluation Form, a Food and Exercise Diary among a few others. Additionally, there are the audio MP3 files on Why Create a Wellness Program, Wellness Program Incentives, and Wellness Program – Walking.
Much of the information on health in this book can be found in greater detail in books specifically on the subject, but the short chapters here do provide the basics in a context of creating a wellness program for a work environment. Each chapter was advised by an expert in the field so the advice is sound and accurate.
Like many Nolo books, there are many sidebars and boxes that provide additional resources on topics as well as success stories from business owners. The credentials of the advising experts are also listed at the beginning of each chapter.
Health and fitness are extremely important and I’m a firm believer that preventing disease and keeping oneself fit will not only help people enjoy their lives more, but be happier and more productive workers. Not to mention the lower cost of healthcare for medical problems that are preventable by living a healthier lifestyle. I applaud businesses that take an interest in helping their employees become healthier by implementing wellness programs. I think Bray’s book “Healthy Employees, Healthy Business” can assist many businesses with encouraging employees to be healthier and starting programs to educate and assist them with their efforts.