The Health Tech Revolution
About 6 months ago I heard a presentation given at Campus London by Daniel Kraft from Singularity University. The talk blew my mind away and opened it up to the amazing possibilities facing the medical world from the exponential growth of several technologies in parallel. The combination of low-cost gene analysis, improved computerised bio-informatics, robotics, increased connectivity and Power BI style data visualisation will revolutionise the way we interact with medicine.
The amazing growth and connectivity of technologies such as connected digital medical records, robotic surgery, nano-medicine and genomics will provide us with a health eco-system that will allow greater emphasis on preventative health and re-direct medical budgets on improving quality of life rather than focusing it on the last few years of a patient’s existence.
Health services the world over struggle to deal with a variety of problems; increasing cost, unfavourable demographics, access variability, fragmentation, waste and the slow …
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